In case of any complaints/grievances, please contact:

Ramakrishnan M
Email Id:
Mobile: +91 9363569105.

The client can expect a reply within 15 working days of raising the complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can lodge a complaint to SEBI through their Grievance Redressal Portal at or you may also write to SEBI. For any queries, feedback, or assistance, please contact SEBI office on Toll Free Helpline at 1800 22 7575 / 1800 266 7575.

SCORES may be accessed thorough SCORES mobile application as well, same can be downloaded from below link:

Sr. NoReceived fromPending atthe end of last monthReceivedResolvedTotal Pending#Pending complaints > 3 monthsAverage Resolution time^ (in days)
1Directly from Investors000000
2SEBI (SCORES)000000
3Other Sources (if any)000000
Grand Total000000